Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Monday, March 26, 2007

Medical Exam, Shopping, and City Tour

Today was another busy day. Jocelyn and Bruce our CCAI Reps scheduled a City Tour for us today. It's so funny that it is the same tour that we adventured on with Alaina in 2004. Joel and I decided we didn't want to go again but that we really wanted Alexis to go. We knew she would enjoy it. Sometime soon we will allow her to journal her thoughts of the tour. She took lots of pictures. I especially wanted her to see the Buddhist Temple so she can totally understand the need for Christ in China. She came back from the tour showing me her pictures. I knew, like Joel and me in 2004, that she would have such a love for the people of China after visiting the Buddhist Temple. She witnessed people bowing down to a dead god. Anyone can walk into the Temple. It's like a courtyard. It has big Buddhas all around and people go from Buddha to Buddha bowing to them. Very life changing and I'm so thankful she is able to experience it at such a young age. She loves it here and doesn't want to leave.

I met a store owner who told me very softly that she became a Christian one year ago. We take for granted growing up in a Christian home and all the knowledge of the Bible. She really knows nothing and is searching and learning. So precious. I gave her some books that I brought with me and she was so excited. She held them to her heart and said she would keep them forever and that it exactly what she needed. The books are in English so I would like to find some books in Chinese to pass on to her. Alexis has been learning some Chinese from the store owners and actually she is pretty good. She sounds so Chinese when she talks...funny. Hudson loves to baby talk with the store owners because they speak Chinese to him. Pray for his little index finger. All the babies in our group suck their index finger. Hudson's is looking really bad right now because he has sucked it so much.

After the City Tour, we met at the Medical Clinic for the babies' checkups for their Visas. Hudson is 21 pounds!!! Jocelyn thought that Hudson weight was the most of all the babies--all the rest of the babies are girls. He has been in the orphanage with all women all his life. No boys....well...just the orphanage director. Female Nannies and female cribmates all around him. We have already gotten lots of marriage proposals from the parents of the girls. Too cute.

We will post the pictures soon of Alexis's tour after she adds them to the computer. For now, enjoy Hudson's Medical Exam pictures.

Click here to see pictures

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