Tuesday, March 3, 2009

2007 Travel Journal to Hudson

click on each day to view journal and pictures

March 15 Off We Go!

March 16 Arrive in Hong Kong!

March 17 Hong Kong Tour!

March 18 Off to Changsha, Hunan!!! (Our beautiful hotel)

March 19 Gotcha Day!!!!!!

March 20 Adoption Day!!!

March 21 Shopping, the Park, and Hudson's Smiles!!!

March 22 Embroidery Factory!

March 23 Hudson's Passport and lots and lots of Hudson photos!

March 24 Off to Guangzhou!

March 25 Hudson's 15 month birthday!

March 26 Visa Physical exam and tour!

March 27 Consulate Appointment, Red Sofa photos, and Pearl Market!

March 28 U.S. Consulate Oath Ceremony!

March 29 We're Coming Home!!!!!!

Hudson's Family Journal

Welcomed by the tulips!

It's great to be home! We were welcomed by the tulips. We planted tulips in 2005 thinking they would come up March 2006, when we would bring home our baby. The tulips did come up last year and reminded us that our baby was probably born but was not with us yet. One year later, March 29, 2007, we arrived home just in time to see our beautiful red and purple tulips. The small things in life are special blessings from God.

As for the details of our trip, luggage was out by our room door before 6 AM on Thursday morning, March 29 and we left the hotel at 7 AM. We had a sweet ride to the airport as we knew this would be our last few moments with our group. The day before, one of our families left early and that was our warmup for all of us as we knew we would soon go our separate ways. Once at the airport, some of the group were flying to Hong Kong then San Francisco and the rest of us were flying to Beijing and then to Chicago.

Hudson cried the first flight to Beijing, a three hour flight. We were not sure what was going to happen on the 12 hour flight since the three hour one was not good. Once on the plane from Beijing to Chicago, he played and laughed and talked and did everything to stay awake. Once asleep, he slept six hours. We got some sleep during that time but not good sleep as it's challenging to sleep basically sitting up. We were so blessed to get bulkhead seating so we made a little bed for Hudson on the floor. It was so wonderful to hit US soil. We left Beijing at 5:30 and arrived in Chicago about 12 hours later. God makes life so fun. We met our friends at the airport in Chicago. They flew from Guangzhou to Shanghai and then to Chicago. We rode the plane together all the way home with our new babies, Isabella and Hudson.

It was so exciting to get off of the plane and see all the people in the window of the airport. Many friends were there to greet and welcome our Hudson and little Isabella. The first site of seeing Zachary, Joel B. and Alaina's smiles will always be etched in my memory. Hudson was not sure of all these people wanting to hold him and speaking English. He had the same expression on his face as he did the first 56 hours of us having him. It wasn't long that he was smiling. He instantly liked the boys and he laughs at Alaina.

We are slowly recovering. The first night, Hudson woke up at 6 AM after we had just gone to bed at 3 AM. We napped some throughout the day and limited Hudson's naps. Hudson loved going outside. It was such a beautiful spring day. It's so wonderful to come home to Spring. The flowers are growing and starting to look like spring. My mom put away my collection of snowmen and did some spring cleaning while we were gone. The second night, Hudson slept 13 hours and we had to wake him. He crawls everywhere and interested in everything. He likes his squeaky shoes and has started walking. He takes about 4 steps and falls into my arms.

We are very tired but life is good. We are so happy to be home as a family of seven. Last night was our first dinner together as a family. Our table is very full and very precious.

Click here to see pictures

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hudson is going HOME!!!

It's very early this Thursday morning. The luggage is outside and soon we will be leaving for the airport headed for Beijing. This will be our last message before we arrive home. When we get settled at home, I will add the travel pictures of our trip. Pray for a great flight for us. Pray Hudson sleeps...a lot! Please, continue to follow our journey on our site as our journey is only beginning.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Zoo, Consulate Oath, and Packing

Today was very full. We were up very early headed for the Guangzhou Zoo. It was wonderful and such a nice zoo. Lots of pictures to share. After we arrived back to the hotel, we worked on finishing up some shopping. At 2:45PM, we were headed to the US Consulate for the Ceremony. The room was very full of wonderful parents and adorable babies. I would guess at least 100 babies have loving homes now as represented in the big room today. We repeated the words while raising our right hand and before we knew it, we were free to leave the country....Hudson's Passport and Visa ready to go. As soon as we hit US soil, he will have two citizenships: China and United States. Some people have to wait all their lives to be a citizen of our great country. Not only is Hudson, loved and adopted by our family, he is also "adopted" by our country and given permission to walk right into our great land. This is exactly what our Heavenly Father has given us...citizenship in Heaven and Eternal Life through HIM if we believe.

After the Ceremony, we started packing and taking care of last minute shopping. We, once again, had a famous artist draw the kids pictures. They will love it. I gave the artist a picture of each child and he did a very large print. I will include them in the pictures. I can't believe today was our last day in China. Tomorrow morning we set the luggage out at 6 AM, eat breakfast and on the bus headed to the airport by 7 AM. We should arrive in Beijing around noon and then fly out from Beijing to the US around 4 PM. We expect to land at home around 9:30 PM. Enjoy the pictures of the past two days. I will enter the Zoo pictures after we get home. They are really good so make sure you see them soon. This should keep you busy as we are flying the next 24 hours and then you can actually meet our famous Hudson.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Consulate Appointment, Red Sofa Photo and Pearl Market

This morning Jocelyn and Bruce went to our Consulate Appointments and we all passed! Tomorrow, Wednesday we will do our Ceremony at the US Consulate and then we are free to go. Hudson got his Visa picture taken a few days ago and is so cute.

Next, we met around noon for the Red Sofa picture of all the babies and then we took a photo of all the parents and babies. This is my favorite part...all the babies in their silk China outfits. You will LOVE the pictures.

Around three o'clock we met and rode a Taxi to the Pearl Market. It's like a five-story mall of all JEWELRY. As you can imagine, I was in "jewelry heaven" watching them make the jewelry. By the time we were leaving, it was busy traffic so we stood for the longest time waiting on a taxi. I will soon show you my collection of "Bike" pictures. Everybody rides a bike and I love the things they stack on the back....anything and everything. I took lots of bike pictures to add to my collection while we were waiting on the taxi. So fun!

Tomorrow is our last full day here. I can't believe it...we are going home soon. We plan to go to the Guangzhou Zoo and will eventually post those pictures,too.

Click here to see pictures

Monday, March 26, 2007

Medical Exam, Shopping, and City Tour

Today was another busy day. Jocelyn and Bruce our CCAI Reps scheduled a City Tour for us today. It's so funny that it is the same tour that we adventured on with Alaina in 2004. Joel and I decided we didn't want to go again but that we really wanted Alexis to go. We knew she would enjoy it. Sometime soon we will allow her to journal her thoughts of the tour. She took lots of pictures. I especially wanted her to see the Buddhist Temple so she can totally understand the need for Christ in China. She came back from the tour showing me her pictures. I knew, like Joel and me in 2004, that she would have such a love for the people of China after visiting the Buddhist Temple. She witnessed people bowing down to a dead god. Anyone can walk into the Temple. It's like a courtyard. It has big Buddhas all around and people go from Buddha to Buddha bowing to them. Very life changing and I'm so thankful she is able to experience it at such a young age. She loves it here and doesn't want to leave.

I met a store owner who told me very softly that she became a Christian one year ago. We take for granted growing up in a Christian home and all the knowledge of the Bible. She really knows nothing and is searching and learning. So precious. I gave her some books that I brought with me and she was so excited. She held them to her heart and said she would keep them forever and that it exactly what she needed. The books are in English so I would like to find some books in Chinese to pass on to her. Alexis has been learning some Chinese from the store owners and actually she is pretty good. She sounds so Chinese when she talks...funny. Hudson loves to baby talk with the store owners because they speak Chinese to him. Pray for his little index finger. All the babies in our group suck their index finger. Hudson's is looking really bad right now because he has sucked it so much.

After the City Tour, we met at the Medical Clinic for the babies' checkups for their Visas. Hudson is 21 pounds!!! Jocelyn thought that Hudson weight was the most of all the babies--all the rest of the babies are girls. He has been in the orphanage with all women all his life. No boys....well...just the orphanage director. Female Nannies and female cribmates all around him. We have already gotten lots of marriage proposals from the parents of the girls. Too cute.

We will post the pictures soon of Alexis's tour after she adds them to the computer. For now, enjoy Hudson's Medical Exam pictures.

Click here to see pictures

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Hudson's First Airplane ride

We made it to Guangzhou! The flight was only one hour. It was Hudson's first airplane ride! He did great and ate cheerios and played the whole hour. He didn't get his nap so by the time we made it to Guangzhou, he was so ready to go to bed. Joel and I felt like we had jetlag all over again from the flight. We were so excited to be greeted by our friends with their new Isabella when we arrived. She is 3 days older than Hudson and a beautiful baby girl. We had dinner with them at Lucy's, a Western Style Restaurant which was a nice change. We are so happy to be here and looking forward to shopping.

Click here to see pictures.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Hudson’s Passport, Packing, Changsha Streets

The morning began later than usual since we didn’t have any appointments. Hudson really slept in today at almost 12 hours of sleep. We had a long breakfast and decided to take a walk through the streets of Changsha to the convenience store called Wacko Market.

The traffic just amazes me. They do have stop lights but nobody uses their turning lights. They just honk their horn and expect that the people, bikes and any thing else that is in front of them, gets out of the way. No double decker buses but lots of regular city buses, lots of bikes and motor cycles, and many carts. We saw veggies, different kinds of fruit, nuts, and other foods being sold on the street. Shoe shining is very big on the streets. Motor cycles and bikes drive on the sidewalk areas so you have to be so careful not to get hit while walking on the sidewalk. Every age, size and styles are seen. You wonder if some people have jobs. They stand around and talk, play Chinese Chess and enjoy the socialization. Those that are working, really work. We saw the trash man pulling a huge pile of trash. You can see it in the pictures. It’s amazing how many boxes you can stack on the back of your bike. My favorite thing is the billboards…everywhere. The models are normally Caucasian people. I cannot find a doll in all of China that is a Chinese looking doll. Every doll has big blue eyes.

Around 4:30, one parent went to a meeting with Daphne to get the passport and to check to make sure everything was ok. Hudson has a passport! He is coming home!

After returning back to the room, we started packing..ugh. We took a break for dinner in the hotel’s Garden Restaurant. We chose not to order the buffet but thought we would entertain you with the display on the buffet. The Garden Restaurant has western style food. Interesting enough, the food on the buffet was nothing that I had ever seen in the US…..or at least that looked exactly like what we have seen in the US. See the pictures and you will understand what I’m talking about. Alexis, Hudson and I chose regular noodles with a cream sauce on them with regular broccoli. Joel on the other hand, chose some interesting things for dinner.

After dinner, Joel has the big idea that we should walk to McDonald’s for an ice-cream. Thinking that it is nearby, I agree. Well, we walked for several blocks and I was dressed in shorts. Are we crazy? Everybody was dressed in winter coats and hundreds of people were on the streets of Changsha at 9PM at night….probably the same people that were on the streets selling things in the day time. When we finally made it to McDonald’s, I felt like a celebrity. There were about 50 people in McDonald’s and every eye was on us but no smiles. I’m thinking they were confused that we had an adorable Chinese baby boy in our arms. OR maybe they just thought Alexis’s pretty blond hair was interesting. Either way, I felt very different. The ice-cream was delicious, though…and it only cost 50 cents. .

Well, I have shared our day in detail all except the amazing details of Hudson. The baby we met that did not smile for 56 hours on Monday and Tuesday, has decided to laugh all day long. Our travel mates Bethany and Andy’s little girl, Delaney is so sweet with Hudson. He loves her and laughed out loud all day. You couldn’t look at him unless he was smiling. This is the baby that the nannies said he is very serious. I think he realizes that he is loved and we are not going anywhere without him. Today at dinner, watching him eat, I realized how totally in love we are with this little guy whom we just met 5 days ago. He has the cutest little face and perfect little body. He is too cute. I have a treat for you all in the photos. I have lots of smiles for you today to see in the pictures….lots of laughs and smiles……and all kinds of different expressions. Last night at dinner, we started teaching Hudson sign language and how to sign “more please’ and “all done” instead of the normal baby grunting that babies do. On his own this morning, he signed “more please” and expected his second teething cookie. Alexis thought it was so cute so she continued to give him his wish and he almost ate the whole box. Too cute.

I just know that God has something very special in store for this little guy. If we had not said “boy or gladly except a girl if a boy is not available”, Hudson would still be in the orphanage we just visited. How different his life is already in just five days. How different and blessed our lives are already to have him in our lives.

We leave tomorrow around noon. It’s a sad but exciting day as we leave his birth province. We hope to come back in several years and show him where he was born and where he lived the first year of his life. For now, we hope we took enough pictures of his birth city and have enough stories to share as we know someday he will ask questions. Enjoy the pictures!

Click here to see the pictures

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Embroidery Factory and Orphanage

We had another great night’s sleep. Hudson mastered about 11 hours last night. Breakfast was great as usual. I’m almost certain that I have gained weight in one week. It’s all so delicious.

We visited the Hunan Embroidery Factory today. This is a very famous place and amazing art. My favorite is the double sided embroidery. They will make two different pictures on opposite sides at the same time. We enjoyed watching them at work. Very fascinating. We bought Hudson a small double sided panda…it’s beautiful.

In the afternoon, one parent from each family rode over an hour on the bus to visit the orphanage. I woke up this morning thinking that I wouldn’t be emotional. We had visited an orphanage in Alaina’s birth town so I thought I could handle it. Alaina was in a great foster home. This time it was a little different because these are the ladies that cared for him his whole life. As soon as the bus parked in front of the orphanage, I lost my breath. We all were so impressed with the courtyard surrounding the orphanage. The director and his assistant directors were so kind and served hot tea and fruit. He shared with us how thankful he is for us and gave some details about the orphanage. The nannies were so beautiful. At the time, only 10 babies were there. I can’t explain my overwhelming emotions when I walked in the room and saw these little ones in their cribs. There were 4 babies younger than 2 months old and one that was only 10 days old. The others were around Hudson’s age. Just 2 days ago, he was there in that room. Daphne shared with me that Hudson had a little playmate. I bent over to caress her and she started crying because she was scared of us. I just wanted to grab her and run out the door. Many years ago, God gave us such a burden for the orphans without out a mommy and daddy. Now, after today, my burden is so heavy. If each Christian family would take a leap of faith and open their heart to just one of these, it would make such a big difference. God has blessed so abundantly through our children as we obey him.

Alexis went with me and I’m sure her life is changed forever. We were able to see just a glimpse of what Hudson’s little life was like his first year. I’m very thankful that Hudson had such a caring director and nannies loving him. They do the best they can with so many little ones and without resources. One of the nannies signed my journal with best wishes for Hudson…very special. I’m sure I’m still processing all the emotions.

At home, Hudson and Dad bonded while we were away. I think Hudson napped most of the time and things went well. Hudson seems to like dad a little more today. Tomorrow is our last full day in Changsha. It’s very sad to leave his province but also very exciting to be only one week away from home and our kids. Thank God for Skype. We have been able to talk with the kids and they can see us with the camera. They love Hudson. Can’t wait to see them all together.

Click here to see pictures

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Shopping and a Walk in the Park

We couldn’t sleep past 5AM so I decided to get up and add the photos from yesterday. We have realized that the only time to work on the website is around 5 AM…ugh. The internet doesn’t work at all in the day time or very rarely. Hudson had another wonderful night. He didn’t want to go to sleep last night so he stood up in his bed looking around. We think he had too much Birthday Cake. We woke him up around 8:30 AM, after 11 and one-half hours of sleep. Sweet!

Today we visited the Apolo Department Store. It was a really nice mall basically with really nice clothes, books, jewelry and appliances. It really is a mall instead of a department store. It is so interesting figuring out how much Yuan would equal a US dollar. The sales ladies came up to us and we both would talk in sign language. Daphne gave us a print out of phrases in Chinese and English to show the sales ladies. She gave us a necklace to wear that read something like, “We have adopted our baby from XiangYin Orphanage and we will love him always” so they would understand why we have this adorable Chinese baby in my Snuggly. Daphne thinks of everything for us. They were all trying to be so helpful as we would talk in sign language. We bought some cute books for Alaina and gifts for the boys. We decided to wait on Guangzhou for the real shopping since we don’t have room in our luggage right now. In some ways, I was really surprised at the nice quality of clothing and books. It was such a fun experience to share with our travel group.

On the way back, Hudson loves to look out the bus window. He has never been outside the orphanage courtyard so everything is a wonderful, new experience for him. We are enjoying every minute of it.

After returning to the room, Hudson took a two hour nap. In the afternoon, we rode a bus to a nearby park. It was beautiful by the river. Many older people were there playing Chinese Chess. Grandparents were encouraging their grandbabies to walk. It is so funny how they have them dressed in 3 layers of clothing. Lots of young couples were walking and holding hands. It was such a nice time to really see the culture and the people. Joel carried Hudson in the Snuggly the entire time. Joel is not his favorite “nanny” right now so we made good progress today.

After the park, the group decided to return to the same Chinese restaurant (in our hotel) as last night. Fifty-six hours after Hudson was placed in our arms, we were able to see a glimpse of his personality. They brought out the fancy highchairs, the same as last night. It was so cute all the babies sitting around the table in their chairs. All of a sudden, the whole group shouts, “Look at that big grin!" We didn’t take any of our cameras. All of a sudden, Hudson comes to life. For 56 hours, he has been quiet and very serious. The highchair didn’t have a belt on it so here he was standing on his knees. Too cute. He ate the whole time we were there, anything I gave him. After we returned to the room, we were dressing him for bed. I had tried to tickle him before like the nannies did and no response. Well, tonight he laughed out loud. What a precious sound. We are not sure exactly what happened to encourage him to show us his personality. I’m tickled to see just a glimpse of who he is and can’t wait for more.

Click here to see pictures

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Adoption Day…Forever Day!!!

He’s ours!!! The day began early around 6 AM. I was so surprised to awake and realize that Hudson was still asleep! He was asleep last night around 8PM. We actually had to wake him up at 7:45…almost 12 hours later so we could get him dressed for breakfast and our very important day. We dressed him in his red soccer sweatshirt, red pants and his red baseball jacket….crossing sports. Red is his color…adorable!

We loaded the bus around 8:30AM and were on our way to the Registration Office. The first thing we did was visit the Registrar. She ask if we were “pleased and happy” with him and if we wanted to keep him. We said yes and put our thumbprint in red ink over top of our signature. She then put red ink on Hudson’s foot and stamped his footprint. He became ours officially and legally just like that!!!

Next, we had our family photo taken for the Adoption Certificate. Then we visited the Notary and paid the Notary Fee. Afterwards, we met the Assistant Director and the Manager of the Nannies. They love Li Li, as they continued to call him. They talked to him in Chinese and tickled him. He laughed out loud and smiled at them for several minutes. We have not managed to create a smile yet from us but we know it will soon come. We were given the opportunity to ask the Directors a few questions. They said that Li Li is very spoiled and was always held constantly by his nannies. The nannies carried him constantly. We have discovered that this is true. I think right now, Alexis (Sissy) is his favorite Nanny and he thinks I’m a pretty cool Nanny right now as well. Daddy is not his favorite at the moment. As we all know, this will soon pass especially during baseball and soccer seasons. They also told us that he likes to sway before going to sleep. We discovered that yesterday when Sissy Alexis put him to sleep. What a blessing to have just one more piece of the puzzle of his little life.

As we now have had him a little over 24 hours at the time I am typing, we probably still have not seen his true personality. It feels like he has always been in our family and in a matter of hours or days, he will realize that we are his forever family. As I type, I’m praising God for answering our prayers for 20 months. Everyday we prayed a consistent prayer. We prayed that he (or she) would be loved, kissed, held, fed, and Alaina always added that he would have lots of toys. We believe with all that we can see, our prayers have been answered. Some times we pray specific prayers and some times God just blesses us HIS way. My friends were praying with me that our baby would learn how to sleep. I prayed this prayer daily as I knew the importance of a baby’s good sleep. Last night was so wonderful. Almost 12 hours…amazing. We are so thankful that God protected Hudson. He has a plan for his little life and we are so excited to be apart of it.

To celebrate the big day, our group had dinner in the Dolton Hotel Food Street Chinese Restaurant. Everything was very yummy. Daphne got a really large cake for the babies. Eight of our babies had their first birthdays and two babies are getting ready to celebrate their first birthdays so we had a big birthday party for them. We sang Happy Birthday…very sweet. Daphne presented an adorable Panda Bear to each baby as a gift from CCAI and a little Chinese bag…precious.

Click here for pictures of Adoption Day

I've added pictures to March 18 when we arrived in Changsha. Most of the pictures are of our beautiful hotel.

Click here to see those pictures.

Monday, March 19

Gotcha Day!

Wow, what a day! Our day began waking up at 5:00 A.M. We had a meeting at 7:30 to do paperwork with Daphne and our group. At 8:15 Daphne taught us how to make a bottle and prepared us for what was to come. At 9:30 our group met in the lobby and hopped on the bus headed for the Changsha Registration office to receive our babies. Our travel group of 10 families have waited 20 months for this day. Half of us became parents for the first time. Lots of happy tears flooded the room. Daphne called each family's name and we walked up to receive our babies. We were #9 in line. The room was very quiet and the babies were very content in their new parents arms. Hudson decided to be the leader and started off the group with crying. Shortly, the other babies started to cry. They were all so beautiful. The nannies told us that Hudson loves teething cookies and that should help the moment.

The bus ride home was filled with a little crying. Off we go to our room to bond with our new baby. Hudson had his first bottle from Mommy. We immediately called the kids, parents, and the Hanson’s on Skype. The kids were consoling Hudson as he cried. Shortly, Sissy swayed him to sleep. He slept for about an hour. He woke up ready to have another bottle.

The day has gone well. He is happy in all of our arms but does not like to have his diaper changed. He wants to be held at all times. CCAI provided Dr. Su to give the babies a check up. Hudson has a fever and is teething. Otherwise, he is perfectly healthy. He is so cute!!! What a precious little baby boy that God has given us.

Tomorrow is Adoption Day when he legally is ours.

Click here to view pictures

Sunday, March 18, 2007

We are in Changsha!

We arrived safely in Changsha! We will soon get the babies after we wake up in the morning...your Sunday night but our Monday morning. We arrived at our beautiful hotel. We do have internet but it is sooooo very slow. It has taken us 3 hours to get three days updated. Sorry the pages from here on will not be "decorated". I will work on those when I get home. Thanks for your prayers. We will add pictures of the day a little later. Check back Sunday night your time or Monday morning. We will have Hudson!!!

Click here to see pictures

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Touring Hong Kong

Happy St. Patricks Day and we forgot to wear green. Our CCAI Rep Patrick took care of us all day while giving us a tour of Hong Kong. The first thing we visted was the Aberdeen Fishermans Village and had boat ride. I have never seen so many boats of all different shapes, colors and sizes. Some boats were very nice like a lake boat back home while others were not so nice and were homes to many people. We saw clothing hanging on lines hanging in the misty rain on the boats. Beside the water were very, very, very tall apartment buildings. Hong Kong has millions of people living here and does not have any land to build houses. Everybody lives in an 800 square foot apartment or condo. Only one in five families own ONE car. The cars we saw were very clean and very expensive. Most people use the double decker buses or a subway type transportation. The taxes on owning a car is 100% so that doubles the price of your car. Taxes on tobacco products and alcohol is 60% so only the rich can smoke and drink to afford to pay the taxes. Hong Kong is a very expensive place to live. We road on a very nice bus today. They drive on the opposite side of the road in Hong Kong. Every time we would go around a curve, I would hold my breathe thinking that the others were on the wrong side of the road and it appeared that we were going to hit head-on.

The second stop was at the Jewelry Factory. It was very interesting seeing the jewelry being made in front of our eyes. It really helped me appreciate my jewelry business even more after I saw the prices on there jewelry. It was very funny when the very aggressive sales people were complimenting me on my Premier Jewelry. Little did they know, my jewelry only cost $25 instead of $2500.

The third thing we did today was visit the Stanley Market. This was fun and kind of like our flea markets from home. They had really nice inexpensive items. We decided to wait until we hit Guangzhou and buy the same things. We knew that we didn’t have any room in our luggage so we were forced to wait for Guangzhou which is fine.

Next, we drove up the mountain towards Victory Peak. It was very foggy today so the bus driver didn’t think it was safe to go to the top. We drove up half way and stopped to take a few pictures of Hong Kong City across the water. Victory Peak is located on the other side the water on Hong Kong Island. It was very foggy but the view was amazing. While we were taking pictures, a little vender was there selling small souvenirs. We bought Hudson a pocket watch in a little case. The pocket watch had a sailboat on it that reminded us of the boat Hudson Taylor must of sailed on to China. Perfect and he will love it when he is older.

Our last stop was at the Dim Sum for lunch. Yum!!! We tried some new things and some things were familiar tastes. The tables were very large and had a “lazy susan” in the center like all the tables in restaurants in China. It really enjoyed our lunch and were ready to head back to the hotel.

We took a short nap and headed back out for some more siteseeing. We decided to adventure out on our own and just take a walk through the streets. It was wild. 1000’s of people on the streets, double decker buses bumper to bumper, billboards galore, many shops for miles down the streets made it all interesting.

We had dinner at McDonalds and enjoyed our 50 cent icecream. Afterward we visited the Victory Harbor and watched the Lazor Light Show. We could see Hong Kong Island and all the beautiful lights on the buildings across the water. The boats were also lit up. What a site.

We ended our day with packing, calling the kids, and catching up on our journaling. Tomorrow, we will leave Hong Kong and head to Changsha, the Capital of Hunan. We should arrive in Changsha around 2PM, do paperwork and get ready to hold the babies 10 AM on Monday morning. Continue to pray for our jetlag and especially that God is preparing Hudson’s heart for us.

Click here to see pictures

Friday, March 16, 2007

We are in Hong Kong!

We arrived in Hong Kong 4:11PM (4:11 AM U.S. time) on Friday, March 16…almost 24 hours later from the time we woke up. Matthew, one of our CCAI reps met us at the airport. We were so excited to see him. By this point, we were beyond tired. We arrived at our beautiful hotel, the Regal Kowloon Hotel around 7 PM and Joann helped us get settled in our rooms. We had dinner with some of our travel mates and believe it or not, we ate at Outback Steakhouse near our hotel. It was delicious as usual. We returned to our hotel, signed up for internet service and called the kids on Skype. They enjoyed seeing us on camera looking pretty tired.

Click here to see picture